Saunas Sep 14, 2020
Joe Rogan's Sauna Routine to Reduce Mortality by 40% [Updated for 2024]

Joe Rogan is an American comedian, podcast host, and mixed martial arts color commentator. You may also know him from his role as the host of hit television show Fear Factor or the UFC.
Premium home saunas are widely adopted by professional athletes to boost recovery, longevity, and performance. See how Joe incorporates sauna use into his daily wellness regimen.
Joe uses both infrared and traditional heating modalities depending on the particular wellness benefit he's looking to get out of the sauna that given day.
Joe is also a fitness/health fanatic and often invites world renowned athletes, medical professionals, scientists, nutritionists, and celebrity guests onto his vastly popular podcasts.
What interested us is the commonality between a lot of these podcasts: many of the guests and speakers love to talk about the health and wellness benefits of saunas and the dramatically positive impact using a sauna can have on longevity, athletic performance, and disease risk reduction.
Related, Rogan pairs his sauna routine with ice baths and cold plunges to maximize the physical and mental benefits.
To save you time, we've compiled all of the interesting clips of each podcast into the short video below:
If you're a reader, we've also summarized the key points below:
Rogan’s love for saunas was inspired by Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a biomedical scientist who came on his podcast and shared the benefits of infrared sauna use with his 200 million monthly listeners.
Dr. Patrick explored the new supporting medical research around the benefits of sauna use, particularly infrared saunas. Dr. Patrick is world-renowned for her tried and true approach to total wellness and hosts an informative podcast on health and longevity called Found my Fitness.

Medical Studies Referenced by Dr. Rhonda Patrick on the Joe Rogan Podcast
- Sauna use associated with reduced risk of cardiac, all-cause mortality
- Sauna use linked to longer life, fewer fatal heart problems
Reduced Mortality Rate: The first sauna all-cause mortality study, shows frequent sauna use of 4 times a week resulted in a decrease of total mortality by 40%. Read that again.
Every way you might die, decreased by almost half. Scientists followed/studied group of individuals for 20 years and those men that have been using the sauna regularly had a 40% lower chance of dying from causes that were not accidental. Incredible!

One of the most remarkable longevity benefits of using the sauna is the ability of regular sauna bathing to not only improve cardiovascular and circulatory function but also reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death and fatal cardiovascular disease.
Sauna reduce heart attack percentage and cardiovascular disease among regular sauna users was also shown to increase the more often a subject used the sauna.
Cardiovascular Benefits: high temperatures inside a sauna are shown to increase plasma in the body, while stimulating heart rate and blood flow. Naturally increasing heart rate and blood flow for periods of time is very important to long-term cardiovascular health.
This passive exercise allows your heart to not have to work as hard when you're performing daily tasks. The heat from the sauna also activates stress response mechanisms in the body. This is good stress! Your body will in turn activate heat-shock proteins which have been studied to improve overall health and increase length of life.
The activation of heat shock proteins during sauna use also prevent muscle atrophy. In a nutshell, sauna use can help your muscles grow faster and repair more efficiently.
Disabled people that are unable to be physically active can widely benefit from sauna use due to its ability to provide passive cardiovascular exercise. In addition to the previously mentioned benefits, cardio can also decrease all-cause mortality and pain, while improving overall mood. Saunas allow people to stay in shape, who are otherwise physically limited.
Joe Rogan’s Sauna Routine
The studies mention how there isn’t any downside to using the sauna more frequently. One note is to ensure you hydrate adequate after any sauna session. Joe loves that he gets an incredible cardiovascular exercise experience when using a sauna without having to be mobile.
This is due to your heart rate increasing from the heat, as well as positive stress. As discussed, using a sauna mimics moderate physical activity even when you are sedentary!
Joe comments that one of the unique aspects of using a sauna that he experiences is that his muscles feel better and 'looser' and he doesn't experience as much soreness following a workout. Joe comments: "when I perform a hard workout and then get in a sauna after I feel like my recovery is more rapid".
Joe also comments on several other important benefits with using a sauna, including greatly reducing inflammation and production of heat shock proteins. He also comments on a study from Norway where participants experienced a 40% decrease in life-threatening disease, including heart attack, stroke and cancer. He summarizes this by saying that sauna use is a "game changer" and "phenomenal for your immune system"!
Joe also exclaimed: "I've been using a sauna for years and I never get sick". Well, there you have it! What more do you need to convince you to integrate a sauna into your wellness routine?
At Home Saunas
As of 2023, Joe Rogan has a sauna at his home and at his podcast studio. He uses both traditional saunas and infrared saunas depending on the benefits that he's look for that day. He’s a rich man; why wouldn’t he? Actually, at-home saunas aren’t as expensive as you might think.
Sure, buying a custom made sauna, built in your backyard may run you as much as a guest house. But you don’t have to buy a custom sauna to start experiencing the benefits.
Buying a prefabricated sauna or sauna kit with free shipping, white glove installation, easy financing and a lifetime warranty is a fast and affordable way to get a premium high quality sauna in your home and start experiencing the benefits of sauna use today.
If you don't have the money or space to afford an actual sauna, infrared sauna blankets are a great alternative. The infrared blankets provide many of the same benefits of actual saunas but are far more affordable and portable!
Look through our selection of leading in-home infrared and traditional saunas today and start experiencing the benefits of a home sauna!
Joe Rogan’s Sauna Routine: 4 times a week. Fifteen minutes each time. 180-190 degrees F.
Doеs using a sauna rеally incrеasе your hеalth and longеvity?
Saunas offеr numеrous hеalth bеnеfits, including rеducing thе risk of vascular and nonvascular disеasеs, improving blood flow, and rеducing pain in conditions likе rhеumatic disеasеs and hеadachеs, according to sciеntific studiеs.
Doеs sauna rеducе mortality by 40?
A study in BMC Mеdicinе found that sauna bathing rеducеs thе risk of fatal cardiovascular disеasе (CVD) еvеnts in mеn and womеn. Thе risk dеcrеasеd linеarly with incrеasing wееkly sеssions, with no thrеshold еffеct. Anothеr study found a 40% lowеr risk of all-causе mortality among frеquеnt sauna usеrs.
Can sauna rеducе suddеn cardiac dеath?
A study in BMC Mеdicinе found that sauna bathing rеducеs thе risk of fatal cardiovascular disеasе (CVD) еvеnts in mеn and womеn. Thе risk dеcrеasеd linеarly with incrеasing sauna sеssions pеr wееk, with no thrеshold еffеct. High cardiorеspiratory fitnеss lеvеls can also rеducе hеart-rеlatеd dеath.
Frеquеnt sauna usе can lowеr blood prеssurе and dеcrеasе thе risk of CVD. Howеvеr, sauna usе is not a curе-all and should not bе usеd as a substitutе for mеdical trеatmеnt.
What is thе sauna protocol for longеvity?
Thе Hubеrman Lab Nеural Nеtwork Nеwslеttеr highlights thrее protocols that usе dеlibеratе hеat еxposurе in saunas to improvе hеalth, mood, and longеvity. Thе first protocol, "Sauna for Cardiovascular Hеalth," rеcommеnds hеating thе sauna to 80-100 ℃ (176-212 ℉), which can rеducе thе risk of cardiovascular еvеnts and strokеs.
Thе sеcond protocol, "Sauna for Athlеtic Pеrformancе and Rеcovеry," suggеsts incrеasing blood flow to musclеs, rеducing inflammation, and incrеasing thе production of brain-dеrivеd nеurotrophic factor (BDNF).
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