Saunas Sep 18, 2020
How do I Choose The Perfect Home Sauna?

Choosing luxury items for your home can be mind-boggling. With so much choice and beautiful designs to choose from, it can become a time-consuming challenge!
Especially when you are looking for a luxury sauna. Do you opt for an indoor or outdoor sauna? Is a traditional barrel sauna better or perhaps an infrared sauna?
You might also be wondering what benefits you can enjoy from a deluxe sauna experience,
In this article, we are going to give you all the information you need to choose the perfect sauna for your home!
Let’s start first with the takeaway answer before we dive into the details.
How do I choose the perfect sauna for my home?
When choosing a sauna, buy the largest you can afford, choose a joint and screw style, select a reputable brand, always make sure its low EMF, look for comfortable seating. For both indoor and outdoor types, ensure high-quality craftsmanship with sustainable woods where possible and buy from a trustworthy retailer.
Ok, so now we’ve nailed the brief, let’s start by looking at the kind of benefits you will enjoy having your own home sauna.
What are the benefits of a luxury sauna?
Sauna bathing as a form of whole-body thermotherapy has been used in various forms for thousands of years in many parts of the world for hygiene, health, social, and spiritual purposes.
Physically, nothing is more reinvigorating than a deep, healthy removal of toxins while tension dissipates and muscles unwind.
Mentally, after a relaxing, luxury sauna, we emerge relaxed, revived and ready for whatever the day may bring!
According to medical experts, not only do home saunas such as the traditional barrel design, and Infrared provide a wonderful relaxing and pleasurable experience, they also have many health benefits. Home saunas can help to reduce the risk of many vascular diseases such as:
- High blood pressure
- Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
- Stroke,
- Neurocognitive diseases
According to other experts, It's also been found that saunas are also invaluable in removing toxins such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury through your sweat glands.
It’s also been proven that regular use of a sauna delivers considerable benefits to heart patients.
“Home saunas can help to reduce the risk of many vascular diseases”
Ok so now we understand that taking a home sauna is a perfect way to unwind and reap a multitude of wellbeing and health benefits, let’s take a look below at some important considerations you might need to think about before you take the cold plunge.
What you need to know when choosing an indoor or outdoor sauna.
Before we look at the benefits of indoor and outdoor saunas specifically, let’s look at some important factors to take into account when choosing any kind of luxury sauna.
It’s the same old adage as for any product. You really do get what you pay for. So in terms of Infrared saunas, or barrel style saunas, they will all be the same in this respect.
The price of any item will always be a consideration, but by cutting corners you may find yourself not only disappointed, but potentially with a money pit you hadn’t bargained for.
The takeaway here is always to buy the best sauna you can afford and don’t be tempted by cheaper alternatives.
Design is possibly one of the first and most obvious reasons to go with any particular style of sauna.
It’s worth remembering that beautifully and elegantly crafted saunas need to be backed up by quality, craftsmanship and also be designed to last.
Joints and screws
The mark of a real luxury constructed sauna is one that uses joints and screws.
Many at the cheaper end of the market use glue to seal joints rather than craftsman details.
Not to mention the safety and health issues of breathing in the harmful gases from heated glue!
Go digital!
Choosing a sauna which requires any manual labour on your part is a no go and really detracts from a luxury experience.
Choose state of the art remotely controlled digital saunas which work in conjunction with all your devices, such as tablets and smartphones
Full-spectrum infrared saunas
Full-spectrum saunas are those which use infrared technology in near, mid and far ranges.
Both indoor and outdoor infrared types should have this technology for maximum penetration and the best sauna performance.
When choosing an infrared sauna, make sure you choose one which uses all three of the above ranges, 100% of the time for the optimum experience.
Shop from a trustworthy dealer
If you are considering any type of luxury sauna one of our best tips is to choose a trustworthy dealer.
A trustworthy company will be able to deal quickly and easily with any warranty issues and you have peace of mind knowing sauna specialists are nearby should you need them.
In a few hours our sauna specialists will be able to give you a swift service and:
- Deliver
- Set-up
- Installation
So now you might be wondering whether you should go for an indoor or outdoor sauna? Let’s explore some of the benefits and what to look out for, to help you make the best choice.
“If you are considering
any type of luxury sauna one of our best tips is to choose a trustworthy company!”
Outdoor saunasWith an outside sauna, you can create your very own mini-resort! Many high-quality luxury outdoor saunas have wood-burning or electric heating features and are perfect for all types of outdoor areas such as:
- Backyards
- Vacation homes
- Ski cabins
- Off-grid living
Environmentally responsible
It’s, of course, more imperative that outdoor saunas are able to remain beautiful and functional in outside spaces, so we always recommend looking for environmentally responsible wood such as white cedarwood or other high-quality materials capable of withstanding the elements.
Outdoor infrared saunas made from western red Canadian cedar provides beautiful styling along with giving the utmost in weather resistance.
Go for the largest you can afford
A good approach when choosing an outdoor sauna is to go with the largest sauna you can afford.
Even the smallest yard will be able to accommodate a multi-person sauna. These are generally around 5x7 feet in stature and can comfortably fit three or four bathers.
A sauna is, of course, a luxury, but for an extra touch try choosing a beautifully designed barrel sauna with a porch.
No one wants to ruin the whole experience by running back indoors without a chance to put on your robe! So choosing a porch style is an extra welcome luxury sauna feature!
Indoor saunas
If you are looking to create your own indoor relaxing spa treatment area you might be thinking of choosing an indoor sauna.
Right through from indoor infrared to dry saunas, there will be a perfect one for you! One of the first elements to be sure of before you buy is that you look for quality workmanship in your home sauna.
Fine-grained wood
Look for indoor infrared saunas with fine-grained wood rather than coarse grain which may be subject to peeling after some use, along with custom made molding and craftsman details.
Always make sure the infrared sauna you choose, for example, is constructed from smooth, hand-selected tongue-and-groove with vertical grain in beautiful and sustainable wood such as western red cedar.
Comfortable seating
You wouldn’t buy any item of furniture you sit on such as dining chairs, or a sofa., without trying it first. Right?
Comfortable seating in any kind of sauna is a must. Make sure you try the seating area to give you an overview of how it feels when sitting down.
You must be able to feel comfortable. Luxury saunas with seating designed ergonomically will always deliver the best experience.
Windows and doors
Every element of the design detail is important in any luxury item so make sure your indoor infrared or indeed any type of sauna, combines cleverly designed and complimentary windows and doors, which will give not only elegance and style but also stand the test of time.
How do you choosе thе bеst sauna?
When choosing a sauna, consider factors such as sizе, hеatеr typе, EMF lеvеls, warranty, еasе of assеmbly, pricе, safеty fеaturеs, and customеr rеviеws. Choosе a sauna that fits your spacе and thе numbеr of pеoplе using it.
Choosе cеramic or carbon hеatеrs for еfficiеncy and safеty. Look for saunas with low EMF lеvеls to avoid health risks. Ensurе thе sauna comеs with a warranty for protеction. Choosе a sauna with еasy assеmbly for thosе not handy with tools.
Which type of sauna is best for homе?
Thе choicе of thе bеst sauna for homе usе dеpеnds on pеrsonal prеfеrеncеs and nееds. Thеrе arе sеvеral typеs of saunas, including infrarеd, stеam, portablе, and traditional saunas. Infrarеd saunas usе infrarеd hеat, arе lеss еxpеnsivе but takе longеr to hеat up, and arе morе еnеrgy-еfficiеnt.
Stеam saunas usе moist hеat, arе morе еxpеnsivе but rеquirе morе maintеnancе and arе lеss еnеrgy-еfficiеnt. Portablе saunas arе еasy to sеt up and movе around, but may not providе thе samе lеvеl of rеlaxation as traditional saunas. Traditional saunas, with solid wood construction, arе thе most еxpеnsivе but providе thе most authеntic еxpеriеncе.
How big should a homе sauna be?
A homе sauna's sizе dеpеnds on thе hеatеr typе and rеgular usеrs. The most common sеating layout is an uppеr and lowеr bеnch. Thе sizе can vary basеd on thе numbеr of pеoplе, with four-pеrson saunas mеasuring 5 by 7 fееt or 60 by 84 inchеs. Pеrsonal rеsidеncеs typically havе smallеr saunas.
What should I look for in a traditional sauna?
When choosing a traditional sauna, consider thе typе of wood usеd, sizе, hеatеr, vеntilation, lighting, accеssoriеs, and pricе. Cеdar is a popular choice due to its durability and plеasant aroma.
Sizе should fit thе spacе and thе numbеr of pеoplе using it. Propеr vеntilation is crucial to prеvеnt mold and mildеw. Adеquatе lighting is еssеntial for safety and convеniеncе. Sauna accеssoriеs likе thеrmomеtеrs, hygromеtеrs, and buckеts and ladlеs can еnhancе thе еxpеriеncе.
Is infrarеd or stеam sauna bеttеr?
Infrarеd and stеam saunas havе diffеrеnt hеating mеthods, tеmpеraturеs, humidity lеvеls, еnеrgy еfficiеncy, and installation mеthods. Infrarеd saunas usе infrarеd rays to pеnеtratе thе body, whilе stеam saunas usе moist hеat.
Infrarеd saunas opеratе at lowеr tеmpеraturеs, lowеr humidity lеvеls, and arе morе еnеrgy-еfficiеnt. Thеy offеr hеalth bеnеfits likе dеtoxification, rеlaxation, and weight loss, but stеam saunas arе bеttеr for rеspiratory issuеs. Thе choicе bеtwееn infrarеd and stеam saunas dеpеnds on pеrsonal prеfеrеncе.
And finally…
So we hope we have helped you to make that difficult decision as to whether you go with an indoor, outdoor, barrel designed, or infrared style to enjoy the relaxing and blissful experience of your own home spa or outdoor retreat!
Don’t forget to browse our catalogue of beautifully designed luxury saunas.
You can be assured of a craftsman build delivering superior quality with full-spectrum technology on all our Infrared saunas for both indoors and out.
Browse our beautifully designed traditional barrel style saunas which are capable of withstanding the elements, sustainable and designed with luxury in mind.
Sun Home Saunas provide best home sauna. visit our site for more detail.
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