Saunas Sep 26, 2021
Steam Rooms vs. Saunas, Which Is Better?

Curious what the difference is between a sauna and a steam room? This article will delve into the variations, including which option is best for your specific needs. The truth is that saunas and steam rooms are similar. Both involve spending time in a heated location and offer a variety of health benefits.
The most significant difference between the two is that steam rooms are heated using boiling water. Saunas are used to create dry heat, although the actual mechanism of heating can vary. For example, it might be infrared, which can directly heat the body's cells, or a traditional sauna experience where heat is created through a closed stove or hot rocks.
The Top Benefits of Saunas and Steam Rooms
Both steam rooms and saunas offer a variety of benefits. They can help with both your physical and emotional health. Each of them provides a pleasing atmosphere that focuses on delivering feelings of relaxation. You'll also experience the other benefits below.
Whether you enjoy saunas or steam rooms, the experience can help with your cardiovascular health. Spending time in a heated room can improve circulation throughout your body. When your circulation is improved, this creates a healthier heart and lower blood pressure. It may also promote the healing of damaged skin tissue.
Time in a sauna or a steam room is responsible for decreasing how much cortisol your body produces. This is the hormone that regulates how much stress you feel. If you have lower cortisol levels, you'll feel more relaxed and in control of what is going on around you. This feeling of relaxation can improve your health while improving your focus.
Another benefit of saunas and steam rooms is how they can help with aches, pains, and joint immobility. This is one of the reasons that experts recommend using a sauna after a workout. It can help combat pain and sore muscles through the heat. The blood circulates better and reaches the painful area to start the healing process.
As you might realize, when your body has an infection, it fights it through a fever. High temperatures indicate to your immune system that it should start fighting off germs or viruses. Spending time in a sauna or steam bath increases the temperature of your body which triggers your immune system to remove any undetected toxins.
Saunas and steam rooms can also assist with skin health. For example, just going throughout your day can cause you to come in contact with toxins that end up underneath the skin. These devices can alleviate this issue by using heat to open your pores. In addition, the sweat from the experience will help remove any dead skin and dirt that might lead to a breakout.
What's the Difference Between a Steam Room and a Sauna?
Now that you know what steam rooms and saunas have in common, let's look at the other side of the coin. Several things are different between these two locations and experiences.
For instance, most steam rooms are kept at around 100 to 114 degrees Fahrenheit, while saunas can be much hotter. Even though the steam room has less heat, it's a much more humid environment so it can feel just as hot as a sauna would.
Some saunas can reach the same temperatures as boiling water so those who prefer additional heat may find this is the best option for their needs. The average infrared sauna is heated to about 180 to 195 degrees Fahrenheit.
Steam therapy can be used to help fight congestion if you have a cold or another illness. The environment warms up the mucus membranes while encouraging you to take deep breaths. In addition, the air in a steam room is wet so it can help fight congestion in your lungs and sinuses.
The presence of steam can be helpful when you have a respiratory issue or infection based on the humidity it offers. For example, one study that was done on a group of children found that those with respiratory infections had a quicker recovery time when using steam therapy than children who were not introduced to stream therapy.
Both steam rooms and saunas can cause dizziness and dehydration from the hat, so make sure you are well hydrated before you use either. It's also an excellent idea to have a bottle of cool water with you to sip while you go through a session. Sessions can vary in length, but beginners often start at five to 10 minutes, while those who are used to the experience might stay in a steam room or sauna for 30 minutes or longer.
Deciding Factors Between a Steam Room and a Sauna
When you're choosing between a sauna or a steam room, the most important thing to take into account is your personal preferences. Do you prefer dry or moist heat? Have you had a better experience in a sauna or a steam room? If you have a clear preference, use that to decide which you want to use regularly.
In some cases, one of the options will be a better choice. For instance, if you experience hay fever or have asthma, a steam room will likely be the better choice. The warm, moist air will often feel more soothing and can help you breathe better. However, others are triggered by heat in these situations so be aware of your triggers.
At Sun Home Saunas, we offer several types of saunas that might work for you. There are indoor saunas for private sessions and outdoor saunas that let you enjoy nature while getting the benefits of time in a sauna. We also provide a selection of barrel saunas and sauna accessories so you can create the perfect space for relaxation.
If you're more interested in steam therapy, we offer several high-quality steam showers to use for all your self-care and wellness needs. We'll work with you to find the right solution to your problems and then make ordering a sauna or steam shower quick and easy.
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