Can you wear fitbit in the sauna?

Tyler Fish Tyler Fish
Can you wear fitbit in the sauna?

The use of Fitbit devices has become increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts and athletes in recent years. These wearable devices can track various metrics, such as heart rate, steps taken, and calories burned, which can be helpful in monitoring progress and achieving fitness goals. However, many people wonder whether they can wear their Fitbit device in a sauna.

The answer to this question depends on the specific model of Fitbit that you have. Some Fitbit models are designed to be water-resistant, while others are not. Additionally, some Fitbit models may be able to withstand high-heat environments like saunas, while others may not.

Fitbit Water Resistance Ratings

Before we delve into whether you can wear your Fitbit device in a sauna, it's important to understand the water resistance ratings of different Fitbit models. Fitbit rates its devices on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest level of water resistance and 5 being the highest. Here's what each rating means:

  • 1 ATM (Atmosphere): This rating means that the device is water-resistant up to 10 meters, or 33 feet. Devices with a 1 ATM rating are designed to withstand splashes of water, such as rain or sweat, but should not be worn while swimming or showering.
  • 5 ATM: Devices with a 5 ATM rating are water-resistant up to 50 meters, or 165 feet. These devices can be worn while swimming, but should not be worn while scuba diving or engaging in other high-pressure water activities.
  • 50 meters: Some Fitbit devices are labeled as "water-resistant up to 50 meters," which means that they have a 5 ATM rating.
  • Not water-resistant: Some Fitbit models, such as the Fitbit Ace, are not water-resistant and should not be exposed to water or moisture.

Fitbit Models and Sauna Use

Now that we understand the water resistance ratings of different Fitbit models, let's explore whether these devices can be worn in a sauna.

Fitbit models with a 5 ATM rating, such as the Fitbit Ionic and Versa, may be able to withstand the heat and humidity of a sauna. However, Fitbit recommends that you remove these devices before exposing them to excessive heat or moisture. According to Fitbit's website, "Heat and moisture can damage the device, so we recommend that you remove your Fitbit device before entering a sauna or steam room."

Fitbit models with a 1 ATM rating, such as the Fitbit Inspire and Charge, are not designed to be worn in water, and therefore should not be worn in a sauna. These devices are only designed to withstand splashes of water, such as rain or sweat, and may be damaged if exposed to excessive heat or moisture.

Fitbit models that are not water-resistant, such as the Fitbit Ace, should never be worn in a sauna or any other environment where they may be exposed to water or moisture.

Potential Risks and Precautions

Even if your Fitbit device is water-resistant and can withstand the heat of a sauna, there are still potential risks and precautions that you should be aware of before wearing it in this environment.

  1. Overheating of Electronic Devices

One potential risk of wearing a Fitbit device in a sauna is overheating. Electronic devices, including Fitbit devices, can overheat in high-heat environments like saunas, which can cause damage to the device or even pose a safety risk. Fitbit recommends that you remove your device before entering a sauna to avoid this potential risk.

  1. Skin Irritation

Wearing a Fitbit device in a sauna may also increase the risk of skin irritation. The combination of heat, humidity, and sweat can create an ideal environment for 

bacteria to thrive, which can lead to skin irritation and even infection. If you do choose to wear your Fitbit device in a sauna, be sure to clean it thoroughly afterwards to remove any sweat or bacteria that may have accumulated.

  1. Reduced Accuracy of Metrics

Another potential risk of wearing a Fitbit device in a sauna is a reduced accuracy of the metrics it tracks. Heat and humidity can affect the accuracy of heart rate and other sensors, which can lead to inaccurate data. This can be frustrating for those who rely on accurate data to track their progress and achieve their fitness goals.

Overall, while it may be tempting to wear your Fitbit device in a sauna, it's important to consider the potential risks and precautions before doing so. If you do choose to wear your device in a sauna, be sure to remove it immediately if you experience any discomfort or overheating, and clean it thoroughly afterwards to prevent skin irritation or infection.

Alternative Options for Sauna Use

If you're an athlete or fitness enthusiast looking to incorporate sauna use into your routine, there are alternative options to consider. Many gyms and health clubs offer sauna facilities, which can be a safer and more convenient option than wearing your Fitbit device in a personal sauna.

Additionally, there are portable saunas available that are specifically designed for home use. These saunas are typically smaller and more compact than traditional saunas, making them easier to store and use in a home setting. Portable saunas may also have built-in safety features, such as automatic shut-off mechanisms, to reduce the risk of overheating.


In summary, whether or not you can wear a Fitbit device in a sauna depends on the specific model and its water resistance rating. Fitbit models with a 5 ATM rating may be able to withstand the heat and humidity of a sauna, but it's still recommended that you remove them before entering the sauna to prevent potential damage or skin irritation. Fitbit models with a 1 ATM rating or those that are not water-resistant should not be worn in a sauna or any other environment where they may be exposed to water or moisture.

While sauna use can have potential benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, it's important to consider the potential risks and precautions before incorporating it into your routine. Alternative options, such as gym or health club saunas or portable saunas, may be a safer and more convenient option. Ultimately, the decision to wear a Fitbit device in a sauna is a personal one that should be made with careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits.

Athletes are known to use the sauna as part of their training routine. This practice has been around for decades and is still popular today. There are several reasons why athletes use the sauna, including physical, mental, and therapeutic benefits. In this article, we will explore the reasons why athletes use the sauna and how it can help improve their performance.

  1. Improved Recovery

One of the primary reasons why athletes use the sauna is to improve their recovery time. After intense training sessions, athletes often experience muscle soreness and fatigue. Spending time in the sauna can help alleviate these symptoms by increasing blood flow to the muscles. This increased blood flow helps to flush out toxins and promote the delivery of essential nutrients to the muscles. This process can help speed up the recovery time, allowing athletes to return to training sooner and perform at their best.

  1. Increased Endurance

Another benefit of using the sauna for athletes is the potential to increase endurance. Spending time in the sauna can help improve cardiovascular performance by increasing heart rate and blood flow. This increased blood flow can help improve oxygen delivery to the muscles, which can increase endurance and performance during exercise. Several studies have shown that regular sauna use can improve endurance in athletes, making it a popular addition to training routines.

  1. Mental Relaxation

In addition to physical benefits, the sauna can also provide mental relaxation for athletes. The heat and quiet environment of the sauna can be a welcome break from the stresses of training and competition. Many athletes find that spending time in the sauna helps to reduce stress and improve mental clarity. This mental relaxation can be beneficial for athletes who are trying to improve their performance by reducing anxiety and improving focus.

  1. Improved Immune Function

The sauna can also have a positive impact on immune function. The heat of the sauna can help increase white blood cell production, which is essential for fighting off infection and disease. This increased white blood cell production can help boost the immune system, making athletes less susceptible to illness and injury. For athletes who are training at a high intensity, maintaining good immune function is essential to prevent illness and maintain performance.

  1. Detoxification

Finally, the sauna can be a valuable tool for detoxification. The heat of the sauna can help open up pores and stimulate sweating, which can help eliminate toxins from the body. This process can help athletes maintain a healthy body composition by reducing excess water weight and improving skin health. Regular sauna use can also help to reduce the risk of injury by flushing out toxins that can build up in the muscles over time.

In conclusion, athletes use the sauna for a variety of reasons, including improved recovery, increased endurance, mental relaxation, improved immune function, and detoxification. Whether it's to improve performance, reduce stress, or maintain good health, the sauna can be a valuable tool for athletes at all levels. However, it's important to note that the sauna should be used in moderation and with caution, as prolonged exposure to heat can be dangerous. As with any new addition to a training routine, it's always best to consult with a medical professional before starting sauna use.

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