Saunas Nov 09, 2021
Halotherapy / Salt Air Therapy for Cold & Flu Prevention

Cold and flu season is rapidly approaching, and that means most of us are pulling out all the stops to avoid getting sick.
You’re already taking your vitamin C and zinc, loading up on echinacea, and getting plenty of rest to keep your immune system strong. There’s another step you can add to your wellness routine to reduce your chances of catching a cold or developing the flu, though: Salt air therapy at home.
Explained below are some of the benefits salt therapy has to offer for cold and flu prevention. You’ll also find some tips on the proper way to use a salt air machine to see the best results.
What Is Salt Air Therapy?
Salt therapy, also known as halotherapy (which comes from the Greek word “halo,” meaning “salt”), is an alternative treatment often recommended to those with respiratory conditions like asthma, allergies, and bronchitis.
Halotherapy involves breathing in minuscule salt particles. These particles help to reduce inflammation and minimize other issues that can contribute to poor respiratory health.
Halotherapy can be active or passive. Active halotherapy uses a special machine that emits salt particles into the air. Passive halotherapy, on the other hand, involves sitting in a room that is filled with salt (often Himalayan salt) and breathing in the particles that naturally find their way into the air.
Salt Air Therapy for Cold and Flu Prevention
Salt therapy can help with many of the symptoms associated with colds and the flu. This includes nasal congestion, runny noses, sinus pressure, and headaches.
Keep in mind, though, that research shows salt therapy can also help to protect you against developing colds and the flu in the first place. The following are some specific ways that regular halotherapy sessions can keep you safe this winter:
Improved Lung Function
First, regular salt therapy sessions can help to improve lung function and mucus clearance.
When salt particles are absorbed into the lungs, they’re able to dissolve blockages in the lungs and airways. This clears the sinuses and makes it easier for you to breathe deeply.
Deep breathing, in turn, can help to strengthen the lungs, which may make you more resilient when exposed to cold and flu viruses. If you have stronger and more functional lungs, you also may experience fewer respiratory symptoms if you do end up getting sick.
Reduced Stress
Reduced stress is one of the most frequently cited benefits of salt therapy.
Simply taking time to sit or lie down and breathe deeply makes it easier for you to relax and get into a parasympathetic (rest and digest) state. This, in turn, helps to support your immune system, as increased stress reduces your body’s ability to fight off antigens.
If you start taking stress management seriously now, you’ll be better equipped to fight off infections that you may be exposed to during cold and flu season (which also happens to be a highly stressful time thanks to all the holidays that occur during the winter months).
Better Sleep
Many people find that when they’re less stressed thanks to regular salt therapy sessions, it’s also easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep at night.
Chronic poor sleep is linked to a suppressed immune system. In other words, if you’re consistently not sleeping well, you’ll be more susceptible to colds, the flu, and other illnesses.
Negative Ion Exposure
Salt therapy also exposes you to negative ions. Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, electrically charged molecules that strengthen the cells of the immune system.
When the cells of the immune system are strong and functioning properly, it’s easier for them to kill pathogens that can potentially make us sick. It also speeds up the production of antibodies, which protects us from future infections and illnesses.
Why Get a Salt Machine for Home Use?
Could you drive to a local spa and sit in a salt room several times a week to protect yourself against a cold or the flu?
Technically, yes. This isn’t a very realistic option for most people, though.
The average person doesn’t have a lot of extra hours in their week that they can dedicate to practices like this. However, the average person may be able to squeeze in a quick salt therapy session a few times per week if they have access to a halotherapy machine in their home.
A home halotherapy machine, also known as a halogenerator salt therapy machine, is a great investment for those who want to improve their health and wellness but also want to do it from the comfort of their own homes.
These machines are easy to set up and use, and they can even be installed in an infrared or traditional sauna. This allows you to enjoy the immune-boosting benefits of both modalities at the same time.
How to Use a Halotherapy Machine?
If you’re planning to invest in a halotherapy machine, you might be wondering how to use it. You may also want to know how frequently you need to use it so you can see the best results.
Salt therapy machines are very easy to use. All you have to do is insert a saline cartridge into the machine and power it on. Then, you can sit back, take deep breaths, and let the salt particles do their job.
Most experts recommend 3-4 salt therapy sessions per week. Each cartridge lasts about 20-25 minutes, so blocking off that amount of time for a session is the most ideal option. However, any amount of time that you can dedicate to salt therapy is better than none at all.
Keep in mind that the results from halotherapy are cumulative. This means that they become more noticeable over time. If you’re not consistent or don’t use your halotherapy machine frequently enough, it may take longer for you to make improvements.
Create Your Own Portable Salt Room Today
Do you want to be extra-prepared and protected when cold and flu season arrives? If so, home salt room therapy is a great addition to your personal care routine.
To substantially enhance the benefits, you can also use your Halotherapy device in an infrared or traditional in-home sauna!
If you’re ready to invest in your health and a home salt therapy machine, visit our online shop and order your own personal salt air generator today.
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