Saunas Sep 14, 2021
How Sauna Blankets Help with Weight Loss

Have you ever seen someone post or talk about their new infrared sauna blanket? If so, you might be wondering what this product is and what kind of benefits it offers. The answer may be more incredible than you expected.
A sauna blanket is a compact version of an infrared sauna that doesn’t take up the space that a whole sauna would in your home. Instead, it uses infrared to heat your body directly but carries the process out in a blanket form.
Rather than being surrounded by walls as you sit on a bench for around 30 minutes, a sauna blanket wraps around you like a sleeping bag. These blankets are plugged into the wall and heat up the same way a sauna does, but you can use them in any location.
Sauna blankets have many of the same benefits as a traditional sauna, one of which is helping with weight loss.
The Benefits of Infrared on Weight Loss
Infrared heat is a superior technology that can help you burn calories and experience weight loss. It offers the same benefits as moderate exercise but in a much more relaxing form that provides dozens of other benefits.
Since infrared can help with weight loss without running, swimming, or exercise, it’s an excellent option for people who have cardiovascular issues, respiratory problems, or osteoarthritis.
As far back as 1981, the American Medical Association has indicated that sessions in an infrared sauna can create weight loss through burning up to 600 calories in a short time.
The infrared therapy causes the body’s core temperature to rise. As a result, the body needs to work harder to cool itself, which results in sweating. In addition, infrared saunas and blankets increase metabolic rate, cardiac output, and heart rate to cause additional weight loss.
The Effectiveness of Sauna Blankets vs. Infrared Saunas
You’ll be pleased to learn that sauna blankets create the same effects as a home sauna. The longer you spend in the sauna blanket, the more the results will be felt. Similar to a luxury home sauna, a sauna blanket will cause you to sweat, increase your heartbeat, and lead to blood vessel dilation.
While in a sauna blanket, you’ll feel all the same significant effects that you would in a traditional infrared sauna. Your cardiac health will improve, your blood pressure will become lower, and sweating will help you shed pounds to meet your weight loss goals.
A sauna blanket can be just as effective as an infrared sauna when used correctly. It can be used to treat chronic heart failure, signs of aging on the skin, and arthritis. It’s also capable of boosting your mood and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
The Amount of Time Needed to See Weight Loss Results
The use of a sauna blanket will immediately help with weight loss. Since infrared can penetrate deeply into the skin to increase your metabolic rate, you’ll burn anywhere from 200 to 600 calories for each half-hour session. The more frequently the sauna blanket is used, the quicker signs of weight loss will be seen.
Of course, pairing other weight loss methods can also help you see the lack of pounds when you look in the mirror. For example, tracking your exercise and diet, eating lots of fiber, cutting back on refined carbohydrates and sugar, and eating mindfully can also play a part in a quick and safe weight loss journey.
The length of your sessions will vary based on which sauna blanket you use. However, most people find that a 15 to 20-minute session works best for a beginner. Once you are more comfortable using this special blanket, you can increase your sessions up to 45 minutes or even longer.
How Can You Be Sure That Sauna Blankets Work?
If you’re unsure whether sauna blankets work, you don’t have to worry. There is tons of evidence that infrared solutions can assist with weight loss. Studies from Germany, Finland, and Japan all show various health benefits from using infrared saunas and blankets have the same affects.
Of course, that’s without even considering all the satisfied customers who have used these blankets for clearer skin, better muscle recovery, and quicker weight loss.
A study from the 2017 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology indicates that those who use infrared saunas and blankets experienced increased heart rates similar to the effects of exercising. This is only one of the ways that a sauna blanket can assist with getting a few extra pounds off.
Final Thoughts on Sauna Blankets for Weight Loss
If you’re thinking about buying a sauna blanket, you can be at peace knowing it has many of the same effects as a typical infrared sauna. However, a sauna blanket is less expensive and can be used anywhere you go.
There are also other benefits that come with a Sauna blanket for instance, these blankets cause you to sweat and cleanse your pores to prevent acne, help with pain after a workout These blankets can help with many different medical issues, including things like arthritis and high blood pressure. Check out our selections to see all our saunas, red light therapy, and steam shower options, as well!
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