Sauna Skin Benefits

Jesse Teske Jesse Teske

The Most Relaxing Way to Boost Skin Health

 Saunas are synonymous with relaxation, and for good reason. After a big night out, an intense workout, or a long, stressful work week, saunas are the height of luxury and rejuvenation. The intense heat of a sauna has numerous positive effects on the body. An increase in blood flow relaxes the mind and eases tension in muscles and joints. Then of course there’s the added benefit of taking a few minutes to chill and unwind.

skin benefits sauna

These health benefits are enough on their own, but believe it or not, there are even more. Many people claim—and dermatologists agree—that regularly scheduled time in the sauna can have tremendous benefits for your skin. Turns out there’s a reason (or several) why you always leave the sauna with such a healthy glow.

 1.     Rejuvenating

Spending time in saunas improves your overall blood circulation. This increased circulation will effectively deliver more nutrients to the surface of your skin, giving it that fresh, rejuvenated look. The heat in saunas also enhances the collagen production in your body. Collagen is a protein that provides our tissues with strength and elasticity and is typically what is injected into the body in Botox treatments. With regular time spent in the sauna, you can skip the Botox entirely and let the heat do all the work.

 2.     Cleansing

Sweating heavily is an excellent detoxifier, both for your body and your skin. When you sweat, you release irritating toxins and impurities. Since the heat naturally dilates your pores, they are primed and ready to release and unclog. This highly restorative process promotes healthier skin with fewer breakouts and acne.


3.      Moisturizing

The humidity in a sauna is a great way to moisturize your skin naturally. The induced sweating activates the sebaceous glands in the skin, which causes them to produce more sebum, which are the oils that keep us well moisturized. Healthy, moisturized skin gives you that fresh “just ran through the forest” glow, without actually having to run through the forest.

 Types of Saunas

With all these amazing health and skin benefits, you may be considering a membership to your local spa. But there’s an easier solution. Outdoor saunas for home are readily available, with precision craftsmanship and easy assembly. With your own sauna, you can consistently incorporate its therapeutic benefits into your wellness routine, ensuring that your body and skin health remain at optimal levels. 

The only thing you need to decide now is what type of sauna you’d prefer, a traditional sauna or an infrared sauna. They both have benefits, but there are a few differences you should be aware of before purchasing. Let’s clear it up for you. 

Infrared Sauna

An infrared sauna is a modern answer to the traditional sauna. Infrared saunas focus on the heating element of a sauna, versus the humidity. Infrared rays can effectively heat the body without heating the room, creating no steam.


Infrared saunas work by emitting a wavelength of light that is then absorbed by the body. When the body absorbs the light, it begins its natural cooling process.

 This means that the room itself doesn’t have to reach temperatures any higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit, and some can even stay as low as 120 degrees. This is a crucial benefit for people who often find traditional saunas to be overwhelmingly hot.

 Humidity levels are very low in infrared saunas. The body is still able to detox through the sweating process but may lose some of the pore dilations that happen with traditional steam saunas. 

Infrared saunas use significantly less energy than traditional saunas since the heat required is far less. They use roughly a third of the power a traditional sauna uses for a single session. Over time, an infrared sauna will prove to be much more cost-effective.


Traditional Sauna

A traditional sauna runs off heat and generated steam. Originally, this was created with a firepit in the center, topped with rocks. The rocks would heat up significantly, and then water would be thrown on the rocks creating steam. These days, traditional saunas are a bit more modernized, with no work required by the sauna guests. 

Electric or wood-burning heaters warm up the air in the sauna, causing your body to start its natural cooling process. Temperatures in a traditional sauna can reach above 185 degrees Fahrenheit, which, although effective in activating intense sweating, can be a bit extreme for some. 

Humidity levels in traditional saunas are also significant but keep in mind that one of the healing benefits of saunas is the dilation of pores caused by steam. Depending on your reasons for purchasing a sauna, this may be an important factor to consider.


The energy usage is much higher in a traditional sauna than in an infrared sauna, as it requires intense heat to boil water and activate the body’s blood flow. The difference may not seem drastic now but will add up over time.


Learn More

As with any big purchase, there are many things to consider. Begin by narrowing down your top 3 reasons for owning a sauna, and then analyze which type might be right for your circumstances.

 Traditional and infrared saunas both provide exceptional benefits to your health and well-being. With numerous sauna skin benefits, they are also a great addition to your beauty regimen. Over time, with consistent use, you’ll begin to notice and appreciate the positive changes in your mind and body. 

If you need help deciding which sauna is right for your home, contact us at Sun Home Saunas and we’ll be happy to help you out! With plenty of options for both traditional and infrared saunas, we are sure to have the perfect sauna to help you elevate your wellness.


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