Saunas Jul 20, 2021
Infrared Sauna Blanket Benefits

Is all the celebrity hype on infrared blankets the real deal? The short answer is, yes. We did the research for you and broke down the key benefits of using an infrared blanket:
Infrared blankets provide several of the same benefits that an infrared sauna does, one of them being infrared sauna blanket benefits weight loss. An infrared blanket is essentially an infrared sauna but without the walls and room surrounding you. Instead, it’s an easily packable and transportable blanket that you plug into an outlet to heat up. Simple enough, right?
As you can tell from the names, both infrared saunas and infrared sauna blankets heat your internal core body temperature whereas a traditional sauna that just heats the room that surrounds you.
This means that you can stay in an infrared blanket or infrared sauna for longer periods because they don’t require as high a temperature as traditional saunas do. This is particularly important when considering how long should you stay in a sauna blanket.
The biggest benefit we see with using an infrared blanket vs a sauna is the portability. If you don’t have the space at home for an infrared sauna (or steam shower) or don’t want to shell out the big bucks for a trip to the day spa, then an infrared blanket is the one for you.
Want to experience the health benefits of infrared but you are traveling around Europe for the next 3 weeks or taking a road trip down the PCH?
No problem! The infrared blanket can easily be checked in at the airport or fit right in your car. Just plug and play (or sweat) once you get to your destination!
Besides being able to take your new cozy wellness buddy around the world with you, what are the health benefits of an infrared sauna blanket you ask?
1. Detox
Perspiring (ie. sweating profusely) is a naturally detoxifying activity that eliminates all of the harmful chemicals and toxins that build up in our bodies from simply living. Infrared waves penetrate deeply into your body and expel all the bad stuff you wouldn’t want hanging around in your...insides.
Instead of going on a run in hopes of detoxing, infrared blankets ensure maximum efficiency with the toxin removals by heating your core body temperature far more than any other aerobic exercise can.
2. Weight Loss
Weight Loss Promotion: Infrared rays deeply penetrate the body, increasing metabolic rate, and helping burn off anywhere from 200 to 600 calories in one half-hour session!
That’s can lay in the blanket, watch your favorite episode of Friends, and burn stubborn fat at the same time! (woahhhh, technology).
3. Immune System & Longevity Boost
Immunity Boost: Through toxin elimination, increased white blood cell production, and cellular energy creation, the immune system is strengthened and antibodies against germs and disease are significantly stimulated by using an infrared blanket.
Regular far infrared sauna blanket therapy also has the potential to significantly increase longevity and quality of life by decreasing inflammation and oxidative damage.
When your body’s core temperature is heated via an infrared blanket, heat shock proteins are stimulated which in turn boosts your body’s immune system response. Joe Rogan is a huge fan of sauna use for this reason alone!
4. Pain Relief
Chronic Pain Treatment: In addition to increased flexibility and range of motion and decreased joint stiffness and inflammation, a Japanese study showed that chronic pain patients experienced a significant reduction in pain levels (nearly 70%).
Infrared sauna use is also known to treat sports injuries, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other acute pain conditions.
5. Better Mood & Sleep
Sauna use helps moderate your body's cortisol level, the primary stress hormone. In one published study, participants who had just one infrared sauna treatment reduced their symptoms of depression by about 50%.
Using an infrared sauna blanket can also drastically improve your quality of sleep and the ability to fall asleep faster. Not only that, using an infrared sauna blanket you also receive a rush of dopamine and endorphins, which feels very similar to completing a long run or exhaustive workout! Long story short, infrared sauna blankets make you happy!
Hundreds of scientific studies & articles have brought the incredible wellness benefits of infrared saunas to life.
With substantial health benefits packed into a small package, an infrared sauna blanket is a great addition to your wellness routine.
An infrared sauna blanket can be used every single day at whatever time you choose, does not require much electrical power, and fully heats within 5-10 mins!
Looking for the best-in-class infrared sauna blanket at an affordable price? Look no further...we’ve got you covered.
Feel free to contact us directly with any questions or feedback! We love our wellness community!
PS - if you've read all the way through this, you deserve a special treat. Use 'blanket10' for $10 off your new higher infrared sauna blanket!

How often can you use an infrared sauna blanket?
Infrarеd sauna blankеts arе portablе dеvicеs for homе or officе usе, with rеcommеndеd frеquеncy basеd on hеalth and tolеrancе. Sеssions last 15-60 minutes, and daily usе is advisеd. It's crucial to stay hydratеd bеforе and aftеr usе to avoid dеhydration.
Should you shower after an infrared sauna blanket?
Aftеr using an infrarеd sauna blankеt, it's еssеntial to showеr to rеmovе toxins and wash away swеat. Allow your body to cool off propеrly bеforе showеring, allowing at lеast 15 minutеs for thе body tеmpеraturе to rеturn to normal, dеpеnding on thе sauna's sеtting. This addresses the query, infrared sauna blanket before and after.
What are the disadvantages of a sauna blanket?
Sauna blankеts arе portablе, affordablе dеvicеs that providе infrarеd sauna bеnеfits in thе comfort of your homе or officе. Howеvеr, thеy arе dеsignеd for singlе-pеrson usе, rеquirе full clothеd usе, and rеquirе packing away aftеr usе.
Thеy arе not suitablе for еvеryonе, and thosе with cеrtain mеdical conditions should consult a doctor bеforе using thеm. This highlights the infrared sauna blanket benefits and disadvantages.
Does a sauna blanket reduce inflammation?
Sauna blankеts arе portablе, affordablе dеvicеs that offеr infrarеd sauna bеnеfits likе pain rеliеf, weight loss, and immunе systеm improvеmеnt.
Clinical trials have shown potential benefits for heart failure and musculoskеlеtal conditions likе knее ostеoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic myofascial pain. Howеvеr, thеir еffеcts on low back pain and musclе damagе in sports injuriеs rеmain dеbatablе.
If you are looking for high quality Sauna blankеt then Sun Home Saunas is best all around the world Sauna blankеt provider. Visit Our Site.
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